Thursday, February 25, 2010

Who Makes The Best Stereo Receiver 7.1

New kit by Valerie

This blog will feel a bit 'left .. is that recently I have too many things to do .. and "he" suffers the consequences!
but I promise that after this post I will come back with some little things to show you! :)
meantime I want to show two new kits Valentina!

One is entirely focused on the theme of motherhood .. designed specifically for scrapbooking the moments of the pregnant!
Here's the preview:
but this is my LO:
kit you can find it in store, HERE.

The other (which for my parameters is obviously more interesting), is designed for the 365 project! It falls to the Bean since I'm taking a picture a day!!

Here is the preview of this too:

and my LO:


Febbraio (x4)

can find in the store, HERE.

soon, very soon indeed!


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