Friday, February 26, 2010

How Do Clean A Croquet Bedspread

bad things and good things:)

I'm back here for a post on the fly, before leaving ..
As some of you know, Saturday (2ofeb) my sister got married and I was the best man .. I could not even show a Fotina! Here's a taste (which by the way he came back in 365 project !!^_^):

20 febbraio 2010

What emosssione! ;)

I had made for the occasion, these two newlyweds in salt dough to use as a topper for the wedding cake, but ........... we have forgotten them at home, _ (

19 Febbraio 2010

Never mind, I'll give them to him to keep as a souvenir when they return from their honeymoon!;)
And look at that cute cones to throw rice and confetti (it was exactly the last day of Carnival Ambrosian !!^_^):

18 Febbraio 2010

With the stamp of the bride and groom on each !!!!!!!!*.*

scrapbooking I hope to soon see some nice pictures of that day!
what he has to show? In fact, only two little things .. and one more than anything else is an experiment (successful lily-!!)....'ll try again .. but here it is, the crap: that
I you say? unwatchable:)
I do not like those who came a bit 'dull .. the tree merges with the background ... bleh .. we just do not! Let's take it as an experiment ... but I also tried to use the wax, etc.. Next time I hope something better comes out!
The second little thing but I'm satisfied enough and I made it today, after a long time since I took the pyrography, this is what came out ...
.. Well .. not the usual tree! You noticed?! It changed shape, style ... a little different! Now I do not know the technical names of the trees, but we can see that is different from its predecessors not! is less slender, more robust, with fewer branches .. But yes .. I like
yeah, I like it ... to be honest the pictures do not do it justice, because I had to do it without natural light, so then I adjusted a bit 'with photoshop .. well, I think that the sunlight would be more ..

Meanwhile I'm running a mini album and I'm lucky to ship ATC Swap Forum ABChobby ... I hope soon to show you some new pictures!

Good evening!


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