Monday, February 15, 2010

How To Connect Disconneted Tv Cable

Natural Red Passion Kit by Valerie

There are !
is so long since I put anything but I'm here! There
I see a beautiful new kit Valentina and I'll be back with new creations in the afternoon .. stay tuned!:)

Since yesterday you can download the new kits Valentina: Natural Red Passion! a name, a short program! !
Here's the preview:
Beautiful, eh? Is all played in hydro green and red, with some shade of black here and there! You will find many elements, including the fabulous WA.
is the LO I made this kit cn:


you like it? He's Chicco, my dog-Mucchino (it is spotted like a cow ^ _ ^)

For DOWNLOAD click here !

also point out that the shop you will find some of Valentina promotion items to 1 €! And a mini-kits for your photos of Carnival FREE!
If Carnival does not inspire you, here's another free kit, this time it is a collabkit about friendship! Can be found here !

And now, here are the last LO I did for the challenge to participate in the forum template Site Done:


me are self-dedicated! In addition, there
a prize for those who participate in all 4 challenges! In addition to the prize for the winner, of course!:)

you again soon .. stay tuned!;)


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