Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Side Of My Is My Liver On

The intellectual wealth

Not being experts in communication strategies, but based only on the proverbial loquacity and sympathy of our blog (buuuuuuu), we are working to make this site more visible and publicize the initiative of the 1st February to the best of our ability (sic).

We could pretend to find a manuscript, or end up in a forest "Escura," but the journey was too long and writers, manuscripts, always hurts your thumb.

easier to decide to meet again on Skype, mail us a very large space of time we gave an appointment for X.

At the sight of the email, Doris, thinking that Skype was a planet, cursed the day he entered the grammar schools rather than to science.

Before the program, overjoyed to have already a contact, well after the fateful hour X, found that half an hour and was talking to the test audio and video server.

Miryam, in front of the computer, seeing that no one had sent her a contact, he turned to Vesuvius Please remember to Pompeii, so send the lava cleansing against followers of these websites that were wasting precious time.

Amaranta in front of the Skype screen, amazed of the wonders of the blogosphere, began the long series of calls, "handsfree" Tiziaaa, Lorèèèè, Elisèèèè, Tonii, but that 'stuff is? Logos, meanwhile, was busy asking questions existential on how to talk without a microphone. began a frantic search on Google and got lost in the labyrinth of Nietzsche and nihilism among Vattimo. Idea, always very discreet, he turned to San Gennaro, begging him to ask you a favor so things are always good. The answer was a roar of Vesuvius, immediately seized by Miryam, who wrote a poem in praise of the city of Naples. short, after many hours together and decided we will meet in plenary assemlea of \u200b\u200bUtopia in a remote location an hour ..... X.

(From a manuscript typed shorthand, found on a path between HEurope and Utopia, as he was about to be gobbled up by a lame horse named MAHATMA)

The Assembly took the floor

Logos, president and one man team, just back from a hearty lunch, are well disposed to accept suggestions and ideas, stoically also prepares the screening of the most outlandish. In fact, the rule is: quirky tips galore, with concrete proposals that lacks ...... is there!

I had been tipped off about the possibility to advertise the initiative on Facebook and so I can not wait to have others share: cost one euro. But it is precisely the kind of publicity that harasses, instead of bringing recruits to the cause upsetting even those who have already joined, Doris argues, Dr. medication, which they will be of neurosis, particularly those arising from excessive abuse of advertising. We pay the same directly blogger, they will be our pubblcitari. We ship to all with an email including the logo and the message to propagate and the bonus of one euro to spend on eBay. A sort of chain S, Antonio, and while we're at, well ask him the miracle to be able st'impresa. Logos offers ironic. Proposal rejected. The President takes a decision
the gavel to restore order as we know, where there are many women and forced to have complete silence to suggest that there is always close to a detail, a sudden thought or just to congratulate the new haircut. Doris has a lightening
inspiration: the insertion of a slip of paper containing the details and modalities of the initiative within the boxes of medicines, instead of the leaflet. You may also involve other colleagues pharmacists. Suggests discretion Idea. Of course, the proposal is not bad. With a well-organized tour of pharmacists followers will enter the homes of the Italians, through the boxes of medicines, millions of leaflet propaganda initiative.
Who would not need to buy at least an aspirin? Agree Miryam enthusiastic.
Let's face it, this is not one of Doris proposal is a genius!
Our Web Strategy which subverts all the rules of the market, the only one to communicate on-line uses the old methods of the Carbonari.
...... and pharmacists are solid and reliable people. They know how to advise. It 's the conclusion of Doris dell'Arringo defensive for its proposal that it finds the enthusiastic approval of all of us.
We are still congratulating you on the Machiavellian advertising strategy, handshakes and pats on the back, albeit virtual, when the gavel strikes again relentlessly.
Proposal rejected.
And Logos starts to become nervous.
He refuses even to explain as to why the rejection of the idea of \u200b\u200bit seems to us that Doris revolutionary.
Perhaps the president, just hungry
the north from the south have different times for lunch and dinner.
While here, I agree, there is half a time zone. Doriana
I ask if everyone in the Piedmont have the same needs for protein and carbohydrates which shows the continuing need Logos. Absolutely not. And 'his response shocked by my question and decided Other suggestions?

other suggestions?

(image taken from Google)


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