Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Horny Poems For Adults

How much Siae

The term intellectual property itself is a misleading term. We have chosen because it is the best known and, by association of ideas, leads immediately to the topic. But our philosophy is based on the free movement of ideas, on the enlargement of knowledge, whether in the form of writings or works of art is a form of free software or otherwise. What we claim is, however, the citation of the source or the inventor of a work. Also rivendichaimo that everything can be posted can not in any way, be freely taken for commercial purposes. is why, in a previous post, we have married the ideas of the GNU, the widest possible circulation of ideas. In the course of work we slightly varied the initiative calling it a day against plagiarism on the Internet.
place here is an interesting initiative
FSFE the Free Software Foundation Europe, which aims to replace the term intellectual property with intellectual wealth.
is a significant step towards the creation of a broad coalition of individuals, organizations and countries demanding that the international community to rethink the purposes and mechanisms for which is offered monopoly control over certain types of knowledge. The declaration offers many soggerimenti constructive and concrete change of goals, policies and priorities of WIPO, and provide extensive and detailed arguments to redesign the institutions of copyright and patent systems to better serve the public interest of the whole ' humanity. will seek new forms, possibly more sustainable from a social perspective, similar to the property to secure monopolies on the different forms of knowledge, WIPO will not tend easily to seek alternative solutions. The WIPO is not what we need. We need a World Intellectual Wealth Organisation (World Intellectual Wealth), dedicated to research and promotion of novel and imaginative ways to encourage the production and dissemination of knowledge. A guarantee of limited monopolies or limited control over certain types of knowledge can be part of the tools of this new organization, but not the only nor the most important.
promote and support the Geneva Declaration
, and we invite the authors of the signatories, and the United Nations to start thinking not only about the role that WIPO could have, but rather the type of organization we need in its place.



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