Tuesday, January 11, 2011

- Sasusaku: I Need Help. Sasusaku Doujinshi.

to clarify things on copyleft

What is developing in this blog is the concept of intellectual property related to a written or a work posted and signed on a post. Nothing else. ranging discussions on the Internet relate mainly to the concept of property generally, including ownership of intellectual ideas. I am for maximum ciscolazione of the latter, without ifs but, and, especially, not that I should always cite the source. Political and social idea why I can make my heard or read by another without having to say who I heard it. In this
are categorical, otherwise I would never peeped into the Internet.
But the object of contention is the requirement above, but a kind of "ethical behavior" that must hold when a blogger is being "taken" by a writing of others. We are therefore, in my opinion, in an uncharted territory. We are like the pioneers when they enter the unexplored lands. Internet environment Fortunately, it is still the subject of legislative action to regulate the property. In the name of freedom expression of surfers has always defended freedom of expression and writing. I think it should be without prejudice to these principles. So what are we discussing here? The answer is simple, ethical behavior.
On my blog there are some ideas expressed. My ideas, ideas that can be found more or less okay with people. If another blogger wrote a post about ideas I posted that I could be proud of, even better if you develop ulteriolmente. But if a blogger copiasse from scratch one of my post and it did bother me that his.
Here's what we're discussing here, the appropriation of a job, not the broad sense of the intellectual property, one must always be free and very limited.
We are in an unexplored area, came to light by modern technology of expression. On this blog we are doing
culture, say new problems, ethics yet to be discovered.
The day of Feb. 1 has this goal, awareness of the issue, not a day where it is claimed merely a property in general. I think that this post was a necessary clarification.


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