Before proceeding I think it is useful to clarify some ideas at the semantic / conceptual.
A first consideration should be made on the difference, if any, between plagiarism work and inspiration that could ensue. Another inadvertent plagiarism on this very example. in aphorisms. But
proceed in order. We analyze the difference between plagiarism and inspiration and try to determine, by comparison, a concept shared.
I've got an idea, not necessarily the right one.
not as not to affect the clarity.
I therefore ask the contributors to this blog, readers and all who pass to leave their own views on plagiarism and on inspiration at all levels and for any type of work, whether it be literary, poetic, image or paint ... or whatever.
plagiarism inspiration or plagiarism unintentionally?
Proverb think badly, you're wrong.
Cesare Pavese
The business of living, 1935/1950 (posthumously, 1952)
2) Why do some people write? Why not have enough character not to write.
Karl Kraus, Sayings and contradicted
, 1909
Some write only because they have enough character not to write. Hanns-Hermann Kersten
(1928 - 1986)
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