Saturday, January 29, 2011
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remind everyone that February 1 is the day in favor of intellectual property and anti-plagiarism in the Internet.
These are the symbols and link to retrieve the image, or save the logo above and post in your blog. You may post on the blog is that Facebook and all other social networks.
Thanks to all who join. Link
image (GIF):
or click HERE
and the right-hand menu to copy the code.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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From Blog maestroalberto publish this interesting post about Safe Creative, an alternative service to record their work in protecting them from Internet plagiarism:
Safe Creative is a free register of intellectual property through the Internet, recently born in Spain in Zaragoza.
E 'finds big growth in service, whose spirit is the protection of copyright against the despicable practice plagiarism through digital means.
works can be registered with any license (Creative Commons, GNU or under Copyright) in any language, in any format. This fills the void of some
Creative Commons to better protect intellectual property and adapts to modern times the distribution of content via the web.
Safe Creative maintains in its registry a copy of which users send and issues a digital certificate to associate with the Intellectual Property (a song, a blog, a drawing, video, software).
At any time a license may be amended. The penalty law, insurance and service guarantees the legal value of the licenses, as if it were a sort of witness offering a proof of recording of a work in an exact date. This allows
and helps in the eventual appeal to the undue exploitation and accurate information on the subject owner.
Behind the project is also an unconcealed desire to exploit the log for future commercial uses, not surprisingly Safe Creative is funded by private investors.
The project aims to go global, multilingual and will soon be launched in the U.S..
I registered this blog licensed under Creative Commons . Safe shame that Creative does not issue a code, a button to insert into a web page to specify the type of license. Creative Commons
The argument, in relation to AdSense, I recommend a look also to the video offered by masternewmedia .
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Horny Poems For Adults
The term intellectual property itself is a misleading term. We have chosen because it is the best known and, by association of ideas, leads immediately to the topic. But our philosophy is based on the free movement of ideas, on the enlargement of knowledge, whether in the form of writings or works of art is a form of free software or otherwise. What we claim is, however, the citation of the source or the inventor of a work. Also rivendichaimo that everything can be posted can not in any way, be freely taken for commercial purposes. is why, in a previous post, we have married the ideas of the GNU, the widest possible circulation of ideas. In the course of work we slightly varied the initiative calling it a day against plagiarism on the Internet.
promote and support the Geneva Declaration
, and we invite the authors of the signatories, and the United Nations to start thinking not only about the role that WIPO could have, but rather the type of organization we need in its place.
What Side Of My Is My Liver On
Not being experts in communication strategies, but based only on the proverbial loquacity and sympathy of our blog (buuuuuuu), we are working to make this site more visible and publicize the initiative of the 1st February to the best of our ability (sic).
We could pretend to find a manuscript, or end up in a forest "Escura," but the journey was too long and writers, manuscripts, always hurts your thumb.
easier to decide to meet again on Skype, mail us a very large space of time we gave an appointment for X.
At the sight of the email, Doris, thinking that Skype was a planet, cursed the day he entered the grammar schools rather than to science.Before the program, overjoyed to have already a contact, well after the fateful hour X, found that half an hour and was talking to the test audio and video server.
Miryam, in front of the computer, seeing that no one had sent her a contact, he turned to Vesuvius Please remember to Pompeii, so send the lava cleansing against followers of these websites that were wasting precious time.Amaranta in front of the Skype screen, amazed of the wonders of the blogosphere, began the long series of calls, "handsfree" Tiziaaa, Lorèèèè, Elisèèèè, Tonii, but that 'stuff is? Logos, meanwhile, was busy asking questions existential on how to talk without a microphone. began a frantic search on Google and got lost in the labyrinth of Nietzsche and nihilism among Vattimo. Idea, always very discreet, he turned to San Gennaro, begging him to ask you a favor so things are always good. The answer was a roar of Vesuvius, immediately seized by Miryam, who wrote a poem in praise of the city of Naples. short, after many hours together and decided we will meet in plenary assemlea of \u200b\u200bUtopia in a remote location an hour ..... X.
(From a manuscript typed shorthand, found on a path between HEurope and Utopia, as he was about to be gobbled up by a lame horse named MAHATMA)
The Assembly took the floor
Logos, president and one man team, just back from a hearty lunch, are well disposed to accept suggestions and ideas, stoically also prepares the screening of the most outlandish. In fact, the rule is: quirky tips galore, with concrete proposals that lacks ...... is there!
I had been tipped off about the possibility to advertise the initiative on Facebook and so I can not wait to have others share: cost one euro. But it is precisely the kind of publicity that harasses, instead of bringing recruits to the cause upsetting even those who have already joined, Doris argues, Dr. medication, which they will be of neurosis, particularly those arising from excessive abuse of advertising. We pay the same directly blogger, they will be our pubblcitari. We ship to all with an email including the logo and the message to propagate and the bonus of one euro to spend on eBay. A sort of chain S, Antonio, and while we're at, well ask him the miracle to be able st'impresa. Logos offers ironic.the gavel to restore order as we know, where there are many women and forced to have complete silence to suggest that there is always close to a detail, a sudden thought or just to congratulate the new haircut. Doris has a lightening
inspiration: the insertion of a slip of paper containing the details and modalities of the initiative within the boxes of medicines, instead of the leaflet. You may also involve other colleagues pharmacists. Suggests discretion Idea. Of course, the proposal is not bad. With a well-organized tour of pharmacists followers will enter the homes of the Italians, through the boxes of medicines, millions of leaflet propaganda initiative.
Who would not need to buy at least an aspirin? Agree Miryam enthusiastic.
Let's face it, this is not one of Doris proposal is a genius!
Our Web Strategy which subverts all the rules of the market, the only one to communicate on-line uses the old methods of the Carbonari.
...... and pharmacists are solid and reliable people. They know how to advise. It 's the conclusion of Doris dell'Arringo defensive for its proposal that it finds the enthusiastic approval of all of us.
We are still congratulating you on the Machiavellian advertising strategy, handshakes and pats on the back, albeit virtual, when the gavel strikes again relentlessly.
Proposal rejected.
And Logos starts to become nervous.
He refuses even to explain as to why the rejection of the idea of \u200b\u200bit seems to us that Doris revolutionary.
Perhaps the president, just hungry
the north from the south have different times for lunch and dinner.
While here, I agree, there is half a time zone. Doriana
I ask if everyone in the Piedmont have the same needs for protein and carbohydrates which shows the continuing need Logos. Absolutely not. And 'his response shocked by my question and decided Other suggestions?
other suggestions?
(image taken from Google)
publish original material and quality we leads to many visitors to our site but some times these visitors "take" some of our articles and pretend to own them, on their sites and making not only our content.
To find these clones easily and quickly we can use some of these tools: Google
most popular search engine in the world there can be a great help sniffing out articles or parts of the articles published on other sites. To begin this research, we should not do is enter one of the phrases in the search field of Google, remember to insert the phrase within quotation marks (including the quotation marks the search engine will look for exact match). Through this research we can easily see all the pages indexed in Google where you quote our article or part thereof.
Copyscape Copyscape is certainly the most popular service in the world to find copies of our text or entire Web pages. The service is available free of charge, either as a paid service. The free version allows us to run a few searches a day and also gives us only the first ten results of each search. Counterpart, using the paid version will include a larger number of parameters to optimize our search and find unwanted copies of our article on the web.
Plagiarism Checker is a great tool for finding plagiarized material in the pages on the Internet. The engine, online application, use the databases of Google and Yahoo to do his research. One of the most interesting features of this excellent online application is to create a Google Alert.
Detect Plagiarism Detect Plagiarism is one of the most advanced online in the search for plagiarized material on the Internet. Again we can use two versions, a free but limited and a fee that provides us with many interesting features. Plagiarism Detect allows both in the free version is in the paid version to copy the text in a specific field or load a document in Word format for our research. This function is useful for those who want to check an entire document and not just part of it. In addition, for those using version fee, there is a plug-in for Microsoft Word which allows us to check our text directly from the program. Plagium
Plagium is one of the most original look for plagiarized material: in fact the results are displayed in a chart that will show the likely presence of copies of our text. In addition it also shows the temporal order with which these copies were found: this feature is very useful to determine if any text has been plagiarized before or after our own.
Unlike other online applications, there is WebConfs help in evaluating the text that could be a possible plagiarism. This application allows us to compare two web pages to determine what should be the same. After a comparison of the two pages, WebConfs will give us an outcome that will determine the equality of the two pages.
Who runs the blog FairShare is one of the best choices to keep under control the uniqueness of our content. After entering the address of our site and the type of license that we use on it (Commercial, Creative Commons or return link), the search system determines whether there are any sites which do not meet our demands for all items listed on our blog
If we found the plagiarism or partial copies of our texts we can be in the following ways:
Make request to the webmaster of the site to remove the plagiarized content . Google Alert. Using the spam report.
Although it is always better to try to amicably resolve the alleged plagiarism, or if the webmaster who runs the site does not meet our demands, we can always use the spam report, found in Google webmaster tools.
(image taken from Google)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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What is Creative Commons (and what not ')
July 27, 2006 - 17:50 - Andrea Glorioso
- The Creative Commons Public Licenses (CCPL) are copyright licenses which are based on the principle of "some rights reserved". The CCPL
The operation of the CCPL is made possible by the fact that the Italian law on copyright - As, in general, the relevant national laws and international - to recognize the creator of a work of a number of rights, at the same time, the law allows the holder to dispose of such rights.
One of the ways in which this can be done is with the contractual mechanism of
Politecnico di Torino, assisted by the legal issues from the group of lawyers who made the adaptation of the original licenses. The working group
(image taken from Google)
"False challenge any attempt to establish a theory of truth ..." |
and, sometimes, make
"... difficult to prove that a ' authentic work is authentic. "
(J.-C. Carrière - U. Eco,
not hope to get rid of books
Thursday, January 13, 2011
6co26h2o --> C6h12o66o2.
This kind of utterances shows how much smoke and sand the dominant culture (based on the principle of ownership) and the entertainment industry to be able to blow in the public eye. In the media and in our brains is rampant confusion as regards the ideology of copyright and intellectual property, even if the re-emergence of movements and the changes underway are putting in crisis. Is convenient only for thieves and pests of all kinds to pretend that "copyright" and "copyright" are the same, or that the contrast is between "copyright" and "piracy." Not so.collective Wu Ming's books are published with the following words: "And 'The reproduction, partial or total work and its dissemination by electronic readers for personal use, provided that the purpose commercial. "The basis is the concept of" copyleft "invented in the eighties by" free software movement by Richard Stallman and the company is now common in many areas of communication and creativity, from information science to the arts.
The answer is a resounding no. More and more examples show that the logic of "pirated copy = copy sold" of logic has nothing. Otherwise you do not understand why our novel
"Copyleft" (dense untranslatable play on words in Italian) is a philosophy that translates into different types of business licenses, the first of which was the GPL [GNU Public License] free software, created to protect it and prevent someone (Microsoft, to make a name at random) from appropriating and privatizing the results of the work of the liberal community of users (for the uninitiated, free software is "open-source code", making it potentially controlled, modified and improved by the user, either alone or in collaboration with others).
If he had remained free software just result, sooner or later the birds we would put on the industry's clutches. The solution was to turn the copyright
like a sock, to turn an obstacle to free reproduction supreme guarantee of the latter. In a nutshell: I put my copyright, then I am the owner of this work, so take advantage of this power to say that with this you can do whatever you want, you can copy it, spread it, modify it, but you can not prevent someone else to do, that you can not appropriate the and stop circulation, you can not put a copyright on it, because there is already one, it belongs to me, and I'll break your ass.
Specifically: an ordinary citizen, if you do not have the money to buy a book of Wu Ming or will not buy it sight unseen, can easily photocopy it or pass it in a scanner with OCR software, or - Much more convenient solution - download it for free from our website This reproduction is not for profit, and with us. However, if a foreign publisher wants to translate and put on sale in their country, or if a filmmaker wants us to the subject of a film, in which case the use is for profit, then these people have to pay (because it is right that "profit" even the rest of us, that we wrote the book). Returning to the question: are we will not lose money?Q be downloaded for free for three years now, has come in its twelfth year and has passed the two hundred thousand copies sold.
In fact, publishing, circulating more work and more sales. , does the office or the university, and there, the press, do not spend a penny, read it and he likes and he likes it so much that he decided to give it away, and it can certainly not give the figure of a stack of A4 sheets! Then for this reason, goes to a bookstore and buy it. A "pirated" copy = copy sold. Some people have downloaded our book and after reading it, I got six or seven times. A copy of "pirated" copies sold = more. Those who can not offer you the book, because it is in the bill, however, if they like and talk about it around sooner or later someone will buy it or do as described above (download-buy-gift-reading). If someone does not like the book, at least has not spent a penny. In this way, as is the case for free software and Open Source, to reconcile the need for a right compensation for work done by an author (or more generally of a knowledge worker) with the protection of the reproducibility of the work (ie its social useEven without resorting to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, just explain in a nutshell what happens with our books: a user X is linked to our site and download, say, 54 ). It enhances the copyright depressing the copyright, in the face of those who believe they are the same thing. While most publishers have not yet noticed this fact and is still conservative in matters of copyright, is more ideological than commercial questions, but we will not take long to notice. The publisher is not at risk of extinction as the phonographic industry: different logics, different media, different circuits, different the way to fruition, and especially the Publishers have not yet lost my mind, did not react with mass roundups, complaints processes and the great technological revolution that "democratizing" access to the means of reproduction. Until a few years ago it had a CD burner for now is a recording studio, now we have it at home, in our personal computer. Not to mention the peer-to-peer
etc. This is an irreversible change, before which all legislation on intellectual property is obsolescent, it rotting. When copyright was invented three centuries ago, there was no possibility of "private copy" or "not for profit reproduction," because only a publisher competitor had access to printing equipment. All the others could only put his soul in peace and, if they could not buy it, simply give up the books. Copyright was not perceived as anti-social, it was the weapon of a contractor against another, not one against the public. Today the situation has drastically changed, the public is no longer obliged to put his soul in peace, have access to machines (computers, photocopiers etc.). And the copyright is a weapon that fires in the pile. There would also be a different matter to do, moving further upstream: we start from the recognition of the social genesis of knowledge. All ideas that have not been directly or indirectly influenced by the social relations that entertains from the communities they're part of. and then if the Genesis is also the social use must remain so. But this is a subject too long. I hope I explained myself well.
So what are we discussing here? The answer is simple, ethical behavior.
Internet environment Fortunately, it is still the subject of legislative action to regulate the property. In the name of freedom expression of surfers has always defended freedom of expression and writing. I think it should be without prejudice to these principles.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What is developing in this blog is the concept of intellectual property related to a written or a work posted and signed on a post. Nothing else.
ranging discussions on the Internet relate mainly to the concept of property generally, including ownership of intellectual ideas. I am for maximum ciscolazione of the latter, without ifs but, and, especially, not that I should always cite the source. Political and social idea why I can make my heard or read by another without having to say who I heard it. In this We are therefore, in my opinion, in an uncharted territory. We are like the pioneers when they enter the unexplored lands.
are categorical, otherwise I would never peeped into the Internet. But the object of contention is the requirement above, but a kind of "ethical behavior" that must hold when a blogger is being "taken" by a writing of others.On my blog there are some ideas expressed. My ideas, ideas that can be found more or less okay with people. If another blogger wrote a post about ideas I posted that I could be proud of, even better if you develop ulteriolmente. But if a blogger copiasse from scratch one of my post and it did bother me that his.The day of Feb. 1 has this goal, awareness of the issue, not a day where it is claimed merely a property in general. I think that this post was a necessary clarification.
Here's what we're discussing here, the appropriation of a job, not the broad sense of the intellectual property, one must always be free and very limited. We are in an unexplored area, came to light by modern technology of expression. On this blog we are doing culture, say new problems, ethics yet to be discovered.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Trying To Find A Country Song
Before proceeding I think it is useful to clarify some ideas at the semantic / conceptual.
A first consideration should be made on the difference, if any, between plagiarism work and inspiration that could ensue. Another inadvertent plagiarism on this very example. in aphorisms. But
proceed in order. We analyze the difference between plagiarism and inspiration and try to determine, by comparison, a concept shared.
I've got an idea, not necessarily the right one.
not as not to affect the clarity.
I therefore ask the contributors to this blog, readers and all who pass to leave their own views on plagiarism and on inspiration at all levels and for any type of work, whether it be literary, poetic, image or paint ... or whatever.
plagiarism inspiration or plagiarism unintentionally?
Cesare Pavese
Some write only because they have enough character not to write. Hanns-Hermann Kersten
(1928 - 1986)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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this blog, I believe, now has a connotation, not some property, but the ' General system should now be this. I think it is positive. therefore propose to begin a "campaign" started by our respective blog with a logo to be used as a trademark in that blog is nothing if not copied ago citing a source. I also propose that the first day is spent as a post. always in our consideration blog, perhaps with a link to it. say by 1 February?
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The intellectual property theft is a serious business ...". (Ian McEwan, Solar )
Friday, January 7, 2011
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To give visibility to this blog and the prospect of organizing
go to finish up a Twitter page
systems interact with each other: we begin to talk too.
This blog is totally open to outside voices and ideas, to those wishing to relate their experiences in Blogosphere, offer ideas and suggestions through comments and e-mail that, upon request, will also be published as articles.
Share your experiences along the way is to try to change, to improve ourselves and the system, leaving aside the bad habits gained on Earth (elbowing, stealing, oust, concentrate) to be ethical example to young people and point it to the acquisition of a more rigorous and correct that, of course, also improve the social policies of our old planet.
There is a point from which to achieve this goal: Blogosphere is that point.
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This is a blog for beginners in the field, but all lovers of writing and, absolutely convinced that the rules should be respected in any case, even if you do not agree, because that is what civil society is based, and especially here in the Blogosphere where it is not possible impose the materiality of the law, as we've come to understand it, mostly as a prohibition (which would, however, aggressive alteration in the structure, philosophical and democratic, NETWORK, on \u200b\u200bself-designed) should be strict compliance with the ethics dictated by the legislature and supported by BLOGTIQUETTE PROPERTY LAW 'INTELLECTUAL | that regulates and organizes the co-existence of millions of people who arrive here with laws and cultures. If
No, Blogosphere will never be a colony of Planet Earth, although the desires of the powerful, and the multinationals have tried to put over their greedy hands and keep trying because the greed of power has a deep throat and stomach insatiable. | But here, the laws, can not have them on a personal basis.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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) in a context that is of good education.
ethics and standards of good use: | Respect - Regardless of pagerank, the reputation and the length of service, remember that behind the platform there is always an individual who deserves our respect from the outset.
Nobody deserves our envy - the "blog of the neighbor is always the most beautiful" that does not mean that ours is the ugliest! Please avoid to exclude from their lectures anyone who has the talent: each of us has always something to learn from the other and copy the style of others may prove as helpful at the beginning of the activities of bloggers as compelling for our creativity with the passing of time: Practice Makes Perfect. |
Pictures - When you plan to use an online image that is not owned, let us not enter the direct URL to it in our post because it is a theft of bandwidth, the latter action is particularly irritating to the nervous system webmaster: every time a visitor accesses the page with the link to our stolen, the server will be activated (fee) of the owner of the band by subtracting the monthly fee. For the more distracted, remember that the statistical service of a Top Level Domain readily detect and report the web address of the user of the stolen picture. Will therefore necessary to save images and upload the same on your own server, or use a service-hosting.
Post & Comments - The online publication of an article means making it publicly available thus potentially available. It would be a good starting point to write the articles in respect of the feelings of others thus avoiding falling into the excesses and / or talk only about themselves and what they had for dinner on their cat. The answer to reader comments and is an excellent demonstration of courtesy and gratitude implied: no one has an obligation to read our blog! Grain of salt. Rivalry - Enter the order of ideas other bloggers are potential enemies, although not publish articles that relate to issues similar to theirs. A healthy competition is the basis for improving the technical performance of a literary bloggers provided that the mechanism itself does not become a mere obsession with "first class". Rather, the visit and comment on posts of that type of sites that belong to the niche may be a rather apt choice for the average visitor is already aware of the argument then, it will be easily attracted also by our blog.
Splogging - Avoid putting in comments in a post excessive advertising (links, citations, etc.). To your home site especially if it has no relevance to the topic of Article written by bloggers to whom we paid a visit.
Visits - Just as it is nice to each author read the pages of his blog a comment from a new user, it often happens that it is not given the courtesy reciprocate the visit: the snub readers is one of the worst attitudes relational can be undertaken on the Net Blogging is by definition reciprocal!
Keywords - Avoid improper use of keywords to improve your pagerank by putting tags outside the context of the article is published. Although this activity is particularly profitable on a plane of vision and position in search engine indexes, it is not also under an ethical issue: the potential user will be attracted to our article with the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to read a specific content while the post will offer only the keyword and nothing more. Smoke and mirror ...
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Yes, a new blog to defend our ideas and those of all bloggers.
The phenomenon of copy-paste is becoming widespread. It 's a humbling fact for who is the holder of a written or any other idea. Unfortunately
civil laws do not punish this abuse, we can only operate in the cultural and, above all, to raise public awareness.
This blog in its attempt to gather all forces to spread the problem to several bloggers as possible.
- Anyone wishing to join this project can add a comment or contact me by e-mail.
- more we will work more effectively Lorenzo