property of its author's thesis is
1. The thesis is part of the legal protection of copyright on any material it be merged: the protection focuses on the form given to an idea, a philosophy central to the copyright (protection of form, not content)
2. The thesis is of a dual personality as an administrative act of original creation and as an author
3. In the thesis the student is entitled. The sphere of moral rights is a matter to which the student prepares the thesis that the real idea of \u200b\u200bits speaker in a tangible form
4. The rapporteur is the bearer / communication of an idea and is required to follow the student in the packaging of this idea, in a form protected by law as the original creation is what
as set forth on the Court of Appeals of Perugia:
"The dissertation is an intellectual work, as such protection under the law of copyright, in that the activities of control, surveillance and interference, sometimes poignant, exercised by the professor-lecturer, do not prevent the principal thesis is the result of creative activity of the student. Based on these assumptions, we can certainly deny the thesis in the nature of creative work, even if the student uses arguments and themes already performed by other authors or reliance on the advice or interference of the professor-lecturer, because even in this case is to detect at least a "minimum" processing personnel and organization of the student deemed sufficient for the purpose of being protected at the copyright. "
Judgement of the Court of Appeal of Perugia on the property rights of the thesis.
Now I wonder why The same law can not protect a business on the Internet.
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