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Er bo 530 - sinkhole of gessoQuasi on the extreme western edge of the vein, between the valleys of Sillaro and Santerno, we find the inghiottioio of Gesso. With a development of over 300 meters, is part of a system that is currently feasible with the er bo 707 drains the waters of a vast grassy basin towards the Chalk cave resurgence of Er. Bo 455. Developed in saccharoid microcrystalline gypsum, the cavity opens onto the bottom of a sinkhole in the area Pogianeto; a tunnel between fossil landslide can reach in about a P5 that leads into a small room with some arrivals. From here, the tunnel is enlarged and shows the first signs of water circulation. Follow it up to a large room where a landslide step down, sometimes siphon, leads directly to a P10 that develops in the room. The well represents the core of the cave, as it intercepts the stream of the collector system. A valley is passable for 15-20 meters up close semisifonante mill that is the point Deep -35. Upstream you can instead go up the stream, after a sudden landslide in flow in a comfortable tunnel-maze, plenty of concretions. Continuing up the river divides into several arrivals after a section made up of high-tunnel maze, go back quickly to tighten up the surface debris and clay.
Er bo formed by the P10 707 that closes on narrow, drains water from the basin which feeds the stream inside.
History esplorazionila cave was explored and taken to the room above the landslide group P10 CAI Speleological Enal Faenza in 1974. Always re-explore in 1988 the group found that Faenza continued to reach the river but failed to detect because suddenly closed by landslides. In the '90s and was erroneously cadastre as duplicate of herself as a sinkhole of pogianeto and taken back to the room. Finally, re-explore and fully recorded in July 2008 by the Speleological Society and Saknussem ricastata with the original name of er bo 530 gypsum sinkhole.
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