Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hannah Montana Pink Skirt?

New explorations in Lepini

continue exploration all'Ouso dell'Erdigheta, Lepine in the mountains, near Rome. In the three days between Saturday and Monday, Paolo Turrini, Luca and Andrea Benassi Grillandi have explored a new section of the Matrix Branch. The cave is among the most challenging of Lazio, not because of the depth of about -350, but for the peculiar morphology, consisting of long meandering particularly difficult to follow, requiring a peak which now exceed 24 hours, of which only 12 for the return of the fund. The passage of a pseudo trap with attached bath complicates things further. Of course, the cave continues to meander more and more on the well. Now the problem will be finding a way to set up a convenient internal field and go in search of the legendary collector of Pian Beech forest.
For other fragments of the long history of exploration from ' Erdigheta

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blood In Mucus Sore Throat

Back in Montenegro

reference to the success of last year, and the enormous untapped potential, is in an advanced stage of organizing a second expedition in Prokletjie Montenegrins. A horde of new cave-free will camp this summer between the tops of the beautiful snow-covered Alps of Albania. But this time we'll be prepared for discovery, given that the potential exceeds the vertical mile, also the strings will be commensurate ... Sometimes we are the mules of our pastor friend.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little Pet Shop Advent Calendar

Bars box of tea with Brazilian music and art

Are you a fan of Brazil, suffers from the lack of your land or you want to learn more about Brazilian culture? Then here is a good idea for next Sunday 16/05.

The "Cactus Juice" Como promotes a drink with Brazilian popular music (MPB) and live a beautiful exhibition with paintings reminiscent of our country.

is too!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can You Survive Off Only Vegetables?

Hello everyone!

In recent weeks I've been a little absent due to the overlapping of commitments. But last week I still found the time to do two new work to use as a gift, and I wanted to see them to you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hanging A Screech Owl Box

There are more!

Every time I come back, fugitive loooong! :) I have a
sacchissimo of little things to show you that I do not know where to start, maybe "in installments" ..
beginning with those that excites me more: it is a tree (again!) But this time 3D yes .. in short, a real sculpture at its all-round!

04 Maggio 2010

is not finished yet, I still have to paint it, bake it, crystal, etc..

I did during the last "creative event" among colleagues, I wanted to experience the red clay that usually do not use a lot ..
I wonder if they are not drying fallen branches .. seemed a bit 'unstable! I will know .. if .. you will see it has endured over, sooner or later! ;)
About trees, I point out a contest that I did this Katty (thanks Katty !!!): click here, this is a contest on "tree" would seem perfect for me .. .. no ?! :) Some weekdays at

ago was the birthday of a friend and I wanted to give something done by me, so I thought a necklace .. The picture of what has turned out to her I do not have ( sigh!), but the other two that I had to try so, here they are:
the green one I held myself! ;) Strange, eh? Logically, I should keep that purple!;)

28 Aprile 2010

small page and could not miss some scraps!
There monster some random:

Enjoy Photo

So Sunny kit by Valentina's Creations

Estate 2008

Summer is Crazy Kit by Valerie's Creations


Incantation kit by Valentina's Creations

Solo con Te

The sound of my soul kit by Valentina's Creations


Party Kit by Valerie's Creations

I think I have lost someone in the street, but we more or less! :) I also started scrapbooking the pictures of our project with 365 pages of ready-made templates and a week .. maybe more will post those too! Look at what

combine May 15, if it goes in port

digital elements by Valentina's Creations and Design Aprilia.

(the poster cute, eh?)

Let me explain ... The Konsuelo Band play as usual in a LICAL here in Milan and thought to match their performance to a kind of artistic happening .. . but here comes the fun .... what kind of happening? painting? pyrography? Well not really know what to do in the material sense of the word ... you have some ideas to suggest?! :)

Meanwhile, I greet you, but ... I hope for a ride to your blog and greet them one by one! :)
