Saturday, March 12, 2011

System Has Not Been Modified Itunes Error

Identity theft on the Internet

In these days came into effect in California a law that will punish those who use the Net were false or someone else's identity to make illegal practices, the Senate Bill 1411. This is a bipartisan measure, proposed by Democratic Senator Joe Simitian and signed by Republican Governor Schwarzenegger, and, in the original plans, designed primarily to curb the phenomenon of cyberbullying, punishing the so-called e-personation, namely the appropriation of identity theft or the creation of false identities in order to make illegal practices such as fraud, harassment, intimidation and defamation. In this way those who create under the name of another blogs or profiles within social networks face up to one year in prison and fines of a thousand dollars in the state of California.

Certainly, the intention is good, however the measure does not fail to raise a debate between those for and against. Erica Johnstone, San Francisco lawyer who deals with cases involving identity theft online for example, has stated that "almost all the cyber-offenders remain unpunished, with serious consequences for the victims such as loss of reputation, shame, mortification , pain, loss of job opportunities and emotional stress. " Others have focused more on concerns about possible restrictions on freedom of speech and satire, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, though, as others noted, to protect these basic freedoms is always the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What is certain is that, as in many other topics, what always emerges is the irreducible ambiguity of the electronic media and its consequent virtuality, in comparison to the rocky reality of safety: identity, such as property are much more difficult to define on the Internet in everyday life, from one hand, the traceability of an individual exposed to some potential law of everyone to privacy on the other any more difficult to trace the real identity opens the way for those who would perpetrate fraudulent serious. Harmonizing law in a balanced all that remains between these opposites is very difficult mission and one of the puzzles of our times.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold Para Desmume

An institutional plagiarism

Diego Novelli
In Germany Defence Minister Karl-Theodor Guttenberg, one of the closest collaborators of Angela Merkel and rising star of German politics, has resigned from government after the revelations of the newspaper "SGrassettouddeutsche Zeitung", which accused him of having copied in his youth his thesis.
historian Luigi Firpo in 1976 he edited the "Utopia" of Thomas More, with a long introduction and text translation from Latin into Italian.
Il Cavaliere Berlusconi, pretending to be an intellectual, plagiarized the work of Firpo, printed under his name, with a golden book. The historic
learned (from a TV interview) of a plagiarism controversy began, that was the farcical, as the 'crossroads of phone calls and letters begging Knight "pity".
Firpo played for a long time, as the cat and mouse, but did not adhere to legal action.
of the story remains a point of testimony where Berlusconi is literally wrote: "Professor, I do not ruin it for charity."
Since that time he was a liar.

Post taken from the left that we

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nasal Congestion And My Period

Ships in Manusela Range - Indonesia

The idea was in the air for some years. After a long period of political instability, it now appears that the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moluccas in Indonesia is relatively quiet. Then the idea is taking shape of a shipment light on the island of Seram (Ceram), definitely one of the less frequented the archipelago. The goal is the great central mountain range, the backbone of the island, with Mount Binaja over 3000 meters and is composed entirely of marble and limestone. The place looks totally unexplored in terms of caving, relatively unknown in the geographical sense, but there seem to be all the potential. The period chosen for meteoreologici constraints, fluctuates around the first part of autumn 2011. A short
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